Build right NDIS homes to use for renting to disabled individuals

Build right NDIS homes to use for renting to disabled individuals

Building the right homes for disability living seems an uphill battle for most real estate owners. However, NDIS wants private land owners to contribute towards the safe and quality living of disabled communities. So, they are encouraged to develop NDIS housing Tarneit which meets the specific needs of residents. But doing all this is not simple as the process is complicated. Therefore, VB Homes is offering its valuable support as a leading home construction company. We are here to build prospective homes for meeting disability needs of individuals with physical impairments.

Have more choices for your disability living at home

If you are an NDIS participant, you are entitled to receive funding from the government. This enables you to live life more independently while having your own choices for safety and comfort. The funded NDIS support for disabled individuals is intended to improve their quality of life. But it only works best when they have choices of NDIS and disability housing in Tarneit. Hence, we provide exclusive support to disabled individuals to have their own choice of NDIS homes. We have constructed and designed a wider range of homes with approved designs by NDIS. So, for every kind of disability support, you have access to choose a suitable home.

Make structural modifications to an existing home

NDIS has flexible support plans for people with disabilities to live peaceful lives. This also covers a vast assortment of rental disability properties with necessary modifications. Hence, if you are considering disability houses for rental in Tarneit, we can make the necessary modifications. Though everyone has the right to make their living accessible making changes to existing dwellings is paramount. Being the leading NDIS custom home builders, we have full insights about the certified home designs. Hence, we can make improvements to your existing residential space to make it suitable for disability renting. This way disabled individuals can rent their homes as per the approved NDIS funding plan.

Make your accommodation reasonable and flexible

If you are a landlord, you should make your accommodation reasonable to meet the specific needs of disability tenants. For instance, disabled tenants are entitled to have a parking spot if available on your property. Also, some may require access for their pets to homes with an additional service. However, you cannot charge any additional amount for such Tarneit disability housing accommodations. But can request for security deposit to make modifications to turn the facility into the expected structure. So, navigate if the disabled tenant is eligible for NDIS funding to make specific modifications. We can make the process quicker to make the home accessible living for your tenants.

The final words

If you or a loved one need NDIS and disability housing in Tarneit, don’t hesitate to consult VB Homes. We understand your specific disability needs to help in finding the best disability living option. Thus, providing you with right disability rental property to meet your specific needs and goals. 

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