The Right Home: The Housing Needs of People With Disability

The Right Home: The Housing Needs of People With Disability

Welcome to “VB Homes,” your go-to guide on the unique housing needs of people with disabilities. In this space, we navigate the challenges and triumphs in creating homes that embrace inclusivity. From accessible designs to demystifying regulations, we’re here to shed light on the journey. Join us as we champion change and share inspiring stories of individuals finding their perfect haven. At “VB Homes” in Melbourne, we take pride in being an NDIS approved builder, specializing in NDIS home construction. Our commitment extends beyond structures; we envision homes that are empowering spaces for everyone, regardless of ability. Explore with us as we embark on the pursuit of creating inclusive homes that meet NDIS standards and provide a safe haven for all.

Challenges with finding accessible housing for disability people

  1. Limited Availability of Accessible Housing:
  • Inadequate Supply: Accessible housing options are often limited, making it challenging for people with disabilities to find suitable homes.
  • Lack of Universal Design: Many housing units are not built with universal design principles, excluding features that facilitate accessibility for individuals with diverse needs.
  1. Affordability Barriers:
  • Higher Costs: Accessible features, such as ramps and wider doorways, can contribute to higher construction costs, making these homes more expensive.
  • Limited Financial Assistance: Financial aid or subsidies for accessible housing may be insufficient, leaving many individuals with disabilities struggling to afford suitable accommodations.
  1. Inaccessible Neighborhoods and Environments:
  • Lack of Infrastructure: Some neighborhoods lack accessible infrastructure, including sidewalks, public transportation, and community spaces, limiting mobility for people with disabilities.
  • Social Isolation: Inaccessible environments can lead to social isolation, as individuals may face difficulties in participating in community activities or engaging with their neighbors.
  1. Discrimination and Stigma:
  • Limited Awareness: Landlords and real estate agents may lack awareness of accessibility requirements, leading to discrimination against potential tenants with disabilities.
  • Stigmatization: Stereotypes and misconceptions about disabilities can contribute to prejudice, making it harder for individuals with disabilities to secure housing.
  1. Inadequate Legal Protections:
  • Insufficient Legislation: Some regions may lack comprehensive legislation mandating the inclusion of accessibility features in housing, leaving a legal gap for enforcing these standards.
  • Enforcement Challenges: Even where laws exist, enforcement mechanisms may be weak, allowing non-compliant housing providers to operate without consequence.

Tips for Finding Accessible Housing for People with Disability

  • Policy Reforms: Implement and strengthen housing policies that mandate accessibility features, ensuring new constructions follow universal design principles.

  • Financial Support: Increase financial assistance and subsidies to make accessible housing more affordable for individuals with disabilities.

  • Community Engagement: Foster community awareness programs to reduce stigma, educate landlords, and promote inclusive practices in housing.

  • Infrastructure Development: Invest in creating accessible infrastructure, including sidewalks, public spaces, and transportation, to enhance the overall accessibility of neighborhoods.

  • Legal Advocacy: Advocate for robust legal frameworks that protect the rights of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that housing providers comply with accessibility standards.

  • Connect with disability support groups or organizations that focus on housing advocacy.

  • Seek guidance from individuals who have successfully navigated the process of finding accessible housing in your area.

For inquiries and assistance in finding the right home tailored to your needs, contact us at (+61) 0451 343 342 or drop us an email at At VB Homes, we’re not just your guide in navigating the unique housing needs of people with disabilities; we’re here to actively assist you in creating your perfect haven.


As an NDIS approved builder in Melbourne, we specialize in constructing accessible homes that adhere to NDIS standards. Your journey to a comfortable and accessible home starts with VB Homes. Welcome home, where we’re dedicated to not only shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of inclusive housing but actively being a part of your journey to a space that empowers and accommodates your unique needs.